Teen Waitress Is Calling Out A Couple Who Left Racist Note Instead Of Tip
Remember your first job? You were probably 16, pimple-faced and shaking in your Dansko clogs at the thought of having to talk to strangers over a counter.
It was probably the first real responsibility you ever held, counting up the cash register (does that date us?) and locking the doors to your neighborhood coffee shop or deli.
Back then, few of us had the charisma to stand up to a cranky customer who ordered the latte but got the macchiato, let alone to tackle issues of race and heritage.
Sadie Elledge, 18, is a waitress in Harrisonburg, Virginia, who's doing both. During a recent shift at grub hub Jess's Lunch, WHSV reports Elledge waited on a couple who left a racist note on their receipt, instead of a tip.
Here's where the plot thickens: As you may have suspected, Elledge is already an American citizen, albeit one of Honduran and Mexican heritage. What's that saying? Don't judge a book by its cover?
Elledge told press,
I just feel like it's rude and disrespectful… It makes me the stronger person to not let these things bother me because I know I'm a good person.
According to the Huffington Post, Elledge's grandfather said the woman accused of leaving the note believes she's been wrongly accused of racism. He said she'd signed the receipt, but hadn't written the note. WHSV reportedly obtained security footage of the whole incident.
Elledge's grandfather explained,
She's angry and the police are there. Apparently, she just signed the receipt. She didn't write the comment.
At the time of publication, the couple in question haven't responded to media requests for comment.
Interestingly, it's the restaurant's owner who seems most upset about the incident. Angeliki Floros told press the customer had since been banned from eating in her restaurant, calling her actions those of a "coward."
Citations: Server receives 'racist' note instead of tip (WHSV)