
Number Of Reported Rapes Skyrockets At Big Football Schools On Game Days

by Adam Silvers
Getty Images

A startling new study claims reported rapes climb as high as 41 percent on game days at big college football schools.

The Nation Bureau of Economic Research produced a working paper in an effort to understand how campus-related functions leading to more partying can also lead to a higher number of sexual assaults.

In addition to finding reported rapes can skyrocket on the day of big games, researchers also discovered these attacks are usually committed by strangers.

This is a stark contrast to most campus sexual assaults, in which nine out of 10 victims can reportedly identify their attackers.

According to Huffington Post, researchers say as many as 770 rapes, and no fewer than 253, can occur annually as a result of football games at the 128 FBS schools.

Hopefully, this report will begin to force colleges, universities and the NCAA to take swift action in an effort to stop campus assaults directly related to athletic events.

Citations: Study: Rape Rates Spike on Game Day at Big Football Schools (New York)