How A Deadly Disease Made Brock Lesnar One Of The Best Athletes Ever
You can call Brock Lesnar a lot of things; a quitter is not one of them.
He's a collegiate All-American, an NFL reject, a father, a husband, a bit of an assh*le, the former UFC heavyweight champion of the world and now, the most dominating athlete in pro wrestling.
But, one nickname describes him best: The Beast Incarnate.
You can also call him an extremely rich man. He signed a long-term, undisclosed contract with the WWE and ended his legacy in MMA.
It took Lesnar over a year to finally make a decision he says was based on his future and health. But from the looks of things, it sounds like Vince McMahon made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
Brock Lesnar made the huge announcement on "SportsCenter."
However, most people don't see the special athlete -- who is truly at the top of his game -- behind the traps and beastly persona.
He was the first pro wrestler to cross over into MMA and actually hold a championship title, and his reputation in the WWE today is almost of mythical proportion.
Coming back to the squared circle to beat a legend like The Undertaker on the biggest stage of them all solidified his status as the absolute best in wrestling.
If it weren't his battle with a deadly disease, Lesnar might not be in the position he is today.
In 2009, Brock Lesnar was diagnosed with mononucleosis. Doctors later discovered it was a serious case of diverticulitis.
Diverticulitis is an extremely rare and painful disease affecting the colon, and it causes all types of serious complications with the digestive system. This condition required surgery in 2011, and Lesnar had a foot of his colon removed.
His illness -- which took its course during his time with the UFC -- was much more serious than he probably even realized.
Lesnar's condition went undiagnosed for a long time.
According to Bleacher Report, Lesnar fought in the UFC for over a year without knowing he had the disease. Later detection could've led to more serious health risks and even death.
Even with the risk of rupturing his insides from body shots he'd sustain in the UFC, Lesnar didn't let his condition rule out a potential return to the octagon.
At 37, Brock Lesnar made the right decision for his legacy.
From the day he stepped into the ring in 2002, Lesnar has been one of the most impressive athletes in all of wrestling.
However, his untouchable status and newfound appreciation for performing for the WWE Universe are things he truly came to realize after battling his sickness. He said,
At the end of the day it's all about me wanting to have fun. It weighed heavily in my heart that I was born to be an entertainer and I have fun doing it.
Lesnar's new lease on life made him realize he was born to be an entertainer.
Now, in the prime of his career, he made the right choice to stick with his true calling as a wrestler. It's where his talents fit best and where he can put his amazing athleticism on full display.
For the UFC, Brock Lesnar is a major attraction. For the WWE, he's the face of the company. Then again, he could've easily returned to the octagon. But, for what?
Lesnar already accomplished what he needed, and he now understands the rest of his legacy relies on what he does for the fans who love him most. If he left for the UFC again, those people would suffer the most.
At this Sunday's Wrestlemania 31, the world will see why he's the most unstoppable beast in the entire sports world. Sorry, Roman Reigns.