
Charlie Murphy Wasn't Lying: Prince Is Crazy-Good At Basketball
by Julian Sonny
In one of the most classic episodes of "Chappelle's Show," Charlie Murphy recalled an epic night out with Prince in the 80s that started at the club and ended up at the basketball court.
Not that we thought Charlie Murphy was lying or anything, but old news clippings from the Minneapolis Star Tribune further validate the tale.
From the Strib archives: Chappelle was right. — Libor Jany (@StribJany) March 3, 2015
I can easily see Prince having the crazy handles on some Purple Rain sh*t.
And a sixth man role suits Prince perfectly. At just 5'2", he was probably impossible to guard, and who's going to try to lock him up and mess up that glorious hair?
But, it's a good thing Prince kept his priorities straight and stuck to being a pop star.
Citations: Prince Was A Good High School Basketball Player (Larry Brown Sports)