Conor McGregor Is Getting Hilariously Dissed For His Cropped Instagram Pic
"I want to take this opportunity to apologize… to absolutely nobody."
Those were the very words MMA fighter Conor McGregor uttered after coming out victorious following an intense brawl with Eddie Alvarez during UFC 205 at Madison Square Garden on November 21.
While some people might have been shocked that such a statement could have come out of McGregor's mouth, most of us aren't.
I mean, this is the same guy that shamelessly cropped a loyal fan out of a photo he took with her...
Oh, you didn't hear about that, did you? Well, allow me to explain because it's actually kind of hilarious.
The 28-year-old UFC star is making headlines for another reason besides the shocking knockout victory against Alvarez last weekend.
Conor McGregor, a famous fighter who loves his fans, was generous enough to take a photo with a loyal supporter.
If you expected Conor to share the photo on his Instagram account without cropping his fans out, you're WRONG.
Naturally, the internet got ahold of the original photo and had a field day with it.
How could you be so heartless, Conor?!
The fan, whose name is Erin Safran, spoke to BuzzFeed about the photo, saying,
I wasn't sad or embarrassed at all, I was happy enough he screenshotted my own pic and took time to crop me out. I'm glad he really liked that photo of himself. Cropped or uncropped, I love him.
In other words, she'll take what she can get. After all, this is Conor McGregor.
If he's not cropping your undeserving ass out of fan photos you asked for, he's probably knocking you out in front of millions of viewers.
Sure, Erin was unfazed by the whole thing, but she did seek revenge on the UFC champ with a cropped photo of her own...
Adding more insult to injury, Erin Safran decided to post a photo on her own Instagram account.
This time, she cropped out McGregor and his "Gucci mustard" sweater. Her caption? His infamous words, reading, "I want to take this opportunity to apologize… to absolutely nobody."
Conor might want to take a loss on to his fight record. It looks to me like he just got OWNED. As for Erin's experience throughout this whole fan photo ordeal? She's loving every minute of it.
She added,
To me, this is one of the highlights of my life — no lie. I never expected it and it's been such a fun experience.
Forget taking photos with your favorite people. Instead, take photos with them and hope they crop you out. You'll have way more fun, apparently!
Citations: People Are Cracking Up At This Teen Who Got Cropped Out Of Conor McGregor's Instagram Pic (BuzzFeed)