High School Kid Casually Predicted The Cubs' 2016 World Series Back In 1993
Most high school kids use their yearbook quotes to show off words of motivation and lyrics from hip hop songs. One kid, however, decided to use his yearbook quote back in 1993 to predict a 2016 World Series win for the Cubs.
In other words, some random kid (who isn't a kid anymore) is a fucking genius because, well, the Chicago Cubs are actually in the World Series 23 whole years later, and his yearbook quote predicted just that.
Well, kinda. The Cubs haven't actually won yet, but still... this is pretty damn impressive if you ask me!
The discovery came about after a Twitter user spotted the incredibly accurate prediction while browsing through his mom's old yearbook.
Twitter user Thomas J. Dale tweeted,
*Mom walks into my room* Look at my yearbook from '93... This dude called the cubs winning the series in 2016 for his senior quote.
Dale then shared photos to prove that some kid named Michael Lee actually hit the nail right on the head. Lee's yearbook quote from 1993 reads,
Chicago Cubs. 2016 World Champions. You heard it here first.
Pretty cool and a little freaky, right?! You be the judge...
Here's the yearbook. It seems legit.
Behold Michael Lee predicting the Cubs' 2016 World Series back in 1993.
Thomas Dale's tweet about this shocking discovery went viral.
Now, keep in mind, Lee's quote predicts that the Chicago Cubs will win the 2016 World Series. While his prediction is already pretty accurate, the Cubs would have to come away with the "W" before we crown this guy the new Nostradamus.
As important as the World Series is to all of us, now would be a GREAT time to contact Lee and ask him if Donald Trump is FOR SURE going to lose the election on November 8. Let's put his super prediction powers to good use!
Good luck, Cubs! Good luck, Indians! May the best squad win.
Citations: A 1993 high school Nostradamus predicted the 2016 Cubs World Series appearance (Mashable)