Elderly Cubs Fans Who Waited A Lifetime For World Series Win Will Make You Cry
After the Chicago Cubs' amazing World Series win, celebrity fan Bill Murray told ESPN he was thinking of his late mother.
He definitely wasn't alone.
Fans all over the country were bound to think of the parents and grandparents who weren't able to see the Cubs finally end a century's worth of agony.
Of course, there were also plenty of elderly fans who actually were lucky enough to see Wednesday night's magic and their reactions were simply priceless.
One of those fans is this 81-year-old grandpa, who went viral after the end of the World Series.
my grandpa has been waiting 81 years for this #GoCubbies pic.twitter.com/K5GIl4TpZr — clare (@_claremoser) November 3, 2016
There was also Hazel Nilson, who has as many years to her name as the Cubs had trophy-less seasons.
Yes, she's 108 years old. And at 108 years old, she was "praying for a miracle."
Then the miracle finally came.
That's the thing about this World Series. It was a first for literally every single Cubs fan on earth. The young, the old, the really, really old -- all of them got to experience something new last night: winning.
So when the moment came, you could forgive all the fans in their 90s who reacted like they were nine years old again.
You could even forgive the granny who couldn't help but take one to the head.
And the grandpa who saved a beer for 32 years to celebrate this moment (don't worry, he didn't actually drink it).
It's impossible not to be touched by these Cubs fans, finally celebrating after a lifetime of waiting.
What can we say, Cubs fans? It took 108 years and a seven-game series that probably caused you a lifetime's worth of stress, but the Cubs finally won.
Today is our day. #FlyTheW pic.twitter.com/F3yTo6gjcA — Chicago Cubs (@Cubs) November 3, 2016
Yep, today is your day.