Floyd Mayweather's Super Hot Ex Has Her Eye On Cristiano Ronaldo
It's about to go down.
I don't know if you're familiar with boxer Floyd Mayweather's ex-girlfriend Liza Hernandez, but one look at a few of her Instagram photos and it's not hard to see why she reportedly dated Money May in 2014 and 2015.
Apparently, Hernandez is a 36-year-old model from Panama, and it looks like she and Floyd made quite the couple just a few years back.
However, this past weekend, shit hit the fan when Liza Hernandez took a little trip to Madrid, Spain to watch Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid take on Eibar at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium.
Hernandez posted a picture from inside Bernabéu, and there isn't much in it to suggest she even hung out with Cristiano Ronaldo while she was in Madrid.
However, it didn't take long for the rumor mill to start churning about Hernandez and Cristiano Ronaldo after a picture of them hanging together in 2015 started making the rounds.
According to reports, Cristiano Ronaldo is currently dating Desirée Cordero Ferrer, the 2014 winner of the Miss Spain competition.
OK, Cristiano.
I mean, this is Cristiano Ronaldo we're talking about so it's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility that he did in fact at least hang out with Liza Hernandez in Madrid this past weekend.
Liza Hernandez is absolutely gorgeous, and I have to really wonder why things didn't work out between her and Floyd Mayweather.
Floyd, my man, we need to chat. How are you going to let Cristiano Ronaldo come in and steal your thunder like that? Doesn't this dude already have a Miss Spain winner by his side?
Cristiano, you care to open up at all about these allegations? Did you hang out with Liza Hernandez this weekend? Was she in Madrid to see you?
The world may never know.
Citations: Floyd Mayweather's old flame goes to see Cristiano Ronaldo [Instagram] (101 Great Goals)