
Michael Phelps Just Announced His Fiancée Is Pregnant With A Baby Boy (Photo)
by Adam Silvers
Getty Images
Michael Phelps took to Instagram today to announce he and his fiancée, Nicole Johnson, are having a baby boy.
Phelps' caption read,
We found out 8weeks ago we were expecting... Today we're over 12 weeks and it looks like we're having a boy!!! #babymp #mp #lifeabouttochange #mpswim
The couple got engaged in February, though they began dating in 2009.
It appears Phelps and Johnson knew they were having a child two months ago but just found out they're going to have a boy.
The child is due very close to the time of Olympic trials, which could have an effect on Phelps as he trains for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Congratulations, guys!
Citations: It's a boy! Michael Phelps announces fiancee Nicole Johnson is pregnant with the couple's first child (Daily Mail)