Michael Phelps' Adorable Post-Olympics Plans Will Make You Love Him Even More
Michael Phelps, could you BE any more perfect?
Seriously, stop winning gold and melting America's heart with your words. It's making us regular guys look lazy.
The Olympian caused a worldwide "AWWW" over the weekend when he spoke about baby Boomer and revealed his post-Games plan.
He said,
Being apart from him for the last three weeks, four weeks from when I saw him last, he's grown so much. I changed a diaper last night. He was just sitting there looking at me, smiling the whole time. It brought a tear to my eye, just because he hasn't seen me in a while and it was so cool to see him smiling back at me and laughing and giggling.
Phelps explained how important it is to him to be a father first, and an athlete second. Obviously — have you seen this bundle of cuteness?!
He continued,
That's number one for me. I want to be there every step of the way. I don't want to miss a thing. I've had so many people say to me, "You blink an eye, it's over." They grow up so fast. Next thing you know, they're going off to college. I don't want to miss anything.
*Mops up raw emotion leaked from melting heart*
So what does that mean for the future of Olympic swimming?
Phelps says Tokyo 2020 is off the cards, but remember how he retired but didn't really after the London Games?
Yeah, he'll be back alright.
Even fellow bro, Ryan Lochte, thinks he'll be back. He said on Friday,
I guarantee he will be there. I think so. I really think so. So Michael, I'll see you in Tokyo.
The people demand four more years of Phelps!
Citations: Daily Mail