The QB Who Will Replace Tom Brady During His Suspension Is A Huge Bro
Move over, Tom Brady, there's a new kid in town. At least, there will be for four games.
After it was announced yesterday Brady is suspended for the first four regular-season games for his role in Deflategate, the stage has been set for sophomore quarterback and Patriots backup Jimmy Garoppolo to get his shine.
The 23-year-old was New England's second-round pick last year, a high selection that gave Pats fans hope there would be life after Brady.
But Garoppolo is now due to play important regular season games sooner than most expected, which means he'll soon be known among all NFL-loving households.
But just who is Jimmy Garoppolo? The answer is complicated. Like most of us, a lot can be learned about the man by looking through his ratchet tweets from college.
Let's jump in. He's everything you need to know about Jimmy G, according to his campus tweets.
He played at Eastern Illinois University for four years.
Eastern really gets poppin when it's nice out — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) March 21, 2012
And is from Eastern Illinois, too.
Cant wait to be back home and see everyone for a couple days, its been a while #847bound — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) November 27, 2013
His favorite rapper is good, ol' Fitty.
50 cents the fuckin man #1rapper — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) March 3, 2012
50s still the best #fuckthehaters — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) May 28, 2012
But he has a diverse taste in music.
Its crazy how much country i listen to now, never thought i'd see the day — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) November 22, 2013
He's probably a fan of this meme.

— Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) March 3, 2012
He's a face guy.
Eyes and smile>>>> — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) January 17, 2013
We're pretty sure we can guess the name of his crew in college...
Team #makeitnasty stand up — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) March 12, 2012
Team #makeitnasty get your minds right for tonight — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) April 16, 2012
Team #makeitnasty is back in the chuck baby — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) June 3, 2012
Great night last night make it nasty is really steppin up this weekend — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) March 24, 2012
Damn I'm gettin emotional cleanin out my room...some of the best times in this house, gunna miss it #7th #Brothers #MakeitNasty — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) December 20, 2013
S/O to the roommate @JWurm15 happy birthday bro #NYE #MakeitNasty — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) December 31, 2013
First softball game tomorrow, let's get it #makeitnasty — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) March 21, 2012
With whom he presumably communicates using Jay Z lyrics only.
I dont bop, i do the money dance @TreyDayAllDay_ ayyyy lol — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) August 14, 2013
Now tuned into the mothafuckin greatest @Grops6 #classic — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) September 21, 2012
Either he likes the movie, or loves getting wasted.
The hangovers still fuckin awsome — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) March 11, 2012
Nevermind, we've got our answer.
Bout to go ham with the boys #fadedddd — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) June 2, 2012
i'm with ya @JWurm15 the penthouse wouldve been real nice right now #4lokobongs — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) March 11, 2012
He hates the kids who longboard around campus, too.
Sense when do people in illinois longboard — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) March 26, 2012
And like everyone else, he celebrates Cinco de Mayo without actually knowing what it is.
Just found out cinco de mayo means the 5th of may #idontspeakspanish #wtf — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) May 4, 2012
Cinco de mayo #happyholidays #tequila — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) May 6, 2012
He's a big bowling fan.
Pete weber big PBA win #bowlingswag — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) February 26, 2012
He knows how to send a "done with exams, what's good ladies?" tweet.
Done with finals and aint got shit to do. Havent had this feeling in a long ass time — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) May 3, 2012
He's never had to work like us commoners.
Bored as fuck, whys everyone got to work — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) May 12, 2012
20 years old n ive never had a job, must be doin somethin right #blessed — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) July 19, 2012
He's as young as you think.
Damn Mufasa just died — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) January 21, 2013
I mean, really young.
Tom and Jerry great start to friday — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) January 11, 2013
But he's still a fan of the classics.
Late night seinfeld>>> — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) September 26, 2012
He is (most likely was) a Miami Heat fan.
Lets fuckin go heat!!! — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) June 22, 2012
And apparently flip flops like one, too.
Jordan would have never left to join the best. He was too competitive. — Taylor Jones (@TayJonesg22) June 21, 2013
He thought TMac was gonna get that ring... LOL...
Tmac is one game closer to his ring #Legend — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) June 7, 2013
He was not living the lavish life in Eastern Illinois...
When ur air matress deflaits in the middle of the night<<<<< — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) July 2, 2012
Vibin in my room wit candals cuz we got no electric lol #weird — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) October 3, 2012
Which is probably why he celebrated every time his scholarship came through.
Got that scholarship money #bangbang — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) September 1, 2012
Finally got that scholarship check $$$ — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) January 28, 2013
And he wants college athletes to get paid.
Just do the right thing and pay the college athletes. We're the only employees in the nation not being paid — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) July 19, 2013
Like many of us, he found out Women's Studies actually isn't an easy class.
Just got rocked in women's studies lol — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) October 24, 2012
"@Phouly31: Never thought women's studies class would be that hard" i feel ya brother — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) December 12, 2012
His professors were ratchet.
This teacher really just put a porn movie on in class haha ur missin out @Phouly31 — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) November 30, 2012
That awkward moment when ur teacher from last semester is now sitting in front of u in class — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) January 16, 2013
He's super Italian.
My grandpa's a fuckin boss haha #mobsterstatus — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) December 17, 2012
He's definitely a White Sox fan.
Fuck these bitches lovin sosa #southsidepride#FrankThomas — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) October 25, 2012
Great day for the sox baby #southside — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) April 22, 2012
Opening day for the southsiders #letsgosox — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) April 6, 2012
Good to see the cubs lose #southside — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) April 6, 2012
He's obsessed with Kate Upton.
Kate upton is my dream girl #toosexy — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) September 19, 2012
Happy national kate upton day @KateUpton hah #dreamgirl — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) October 5, 2012
Kate Upton gets sexier and sexier everyday — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) February 26, 2013
Happy birthday to my dream girl @KateUpton #beautiful — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) June 10, 2013
He took final exams while getting prepared for playoff games.
About to take my last final then its time to get ready for Friday! #BeatTowson #EIUFootball #ESPN2 — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) December 11, 2013
Which explains this:
How do regular students not get 4.0s all the time — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) April 11, 2012
He's had one of those moments, too.
Just had a sick kick save on the dropped phone — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) November 14, 2012
And one of these, too.
Waking up with ur arm asleep might be one of the weirdest feelings — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) July 17, 2012
Oh, and this:
That awkward moment when u think there's one more stair but there's not — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) March 23, 2012
Don't know about this, though...
This bird in the locker room just scared the shit out of me while i was showering haha — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) June 6, 2013
He already has a nickname for you to call him.
Gucci garopp — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) March 2, 2013
He's a Tom Brady fan.
Tom Brady's still got it #IceinhisVeins — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) October 14, 2013
Now, a year after getting drafted, he getting ready to be his replacement.
Dreams into reality #DraftDay — Jimmy Garoppolo (@JimmyG_10) May 8, 2014