
A Lover And A Fighter: Ronda Rousey Says She Cries Before She Fights

by Joseph Milord

Ronda Rousey is the most dominant fighter in the world.

She's the highest paid fighter in UFC and an Olympic medalist. She's also a big baby, sort of.

During an appearance on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," she said,

I'm the biggest crier.

Rousey, who made the appearance to promote her new book, "My Fight/Your Fight," told DeGeneres she gets the most emotional during her fight weeks. She continued,

You're so amped up, and it's like every emotion that you could possibly have it happens during that week. It's like the most stress, most anxiety, most pressure possible and then it's the happiest you could possibly be. It's all these things, and it's just sometimes you cant hold it in. It's gotta leak out of somewhere why not your eyes?

If crying really is a part of her routine, there's no need to change it. It's working.

Rousey's two fights this calendar year lasted a total of 48 seconds, and she's only been pushed beyond the first round just once during her 12 career fights.

So keep on crying, Ronda. Whatever works.

Citations: Watch Ronda Rousey Explain Why She Gets So Emotional Before a Fight (TIME)