MLB Player Wants 'Pathetic' Black Lives Matter 'Animals' Put Behind Bars
I'm a pretty big baseball fan, but up until this morning I had no idea who Steve Clevenger was.
Steve Clevenger is a back-up catcher for the Seattle Mariners, and if his recent tweets are any indication, he's also a racist piece of shit.
On Thursday, Clevenger apparently tweeted some really nasty, racist things about the Black Lives Matter movement and President Barack Obama.
In his hate-filled tweet, Clevenger wrote,
BLM is pathetic once again! Obama you are pathetic once again! Everyone involved should be locked behind bars like animals! Black people beating whites when a thug got shot holding a gun by a black officer haha shit cracks me up! Keep kneeling for the Anthem!
I'm just going to say it: Fuck you, Steve Clevenger.
Terence Crutcher, an unarmed man in Tulsa, was just shot and killed by a police officer, and Clevenger is over here calling Black Lives Matter activists "animals."
It appears Clevenger was referring to the shooting of Keith Larmont Scott, another black man who was killed by police, this time in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The back-up catcher reportedly backtracked on his since-deleted tweets, saying the tweets were,
...worded beyond poorly at best and I can see how and why someone could read into my tweets far more deeply than how I actually feel. I grew up on the streets of Baltimore, a city I love to this very day. I grew up in a very culturally diverse area of America and I am very proud to come from there. I am also proud that my inner circle of friends has never been defined by race but by the content of their character. Any former teammate or anyone who has met me can attest to this and I pride myself on not being a judgmental person. I just ask that the public not judge me because of an ill worded tweet.
Hey Steve, go fuck yourself.
To make matters worse, if that's even possible, Yahoo! Sports columnist Jeff Passan followed up Clevenger's tweet by stating what I can only describe as a very sad dose of reality.
The Seattle Mariners released the following statement regarding their player's racist tweet about Black Lives Matter activists and the President of the United States.
Steve Clevenger can apologize all he wants, but we know the type of man he truly is. His "apology" is almost worse than his racist Twitter rant in the first place.
Citations: A Back-Up Catcher Took To Twitter To Call Black Lives Matter Protesters 'Animals' (UPROXX)