5 Things You Do Every Day That Could Actually Mean You're Psychic
We all have a sixth sense – it’s something within you that tells you when danger is lurking, specifically when there's someone or something around you know you shouldn't trust. Whether it's a new type of feeling or a general sense of "knowing" something that seems to come out of the blue, people are directed all the time to trust your gut, to follow your intuition. It might sound weird to say to someone, "Trust your psychic power!" but when you tell someone to follow their intuition, that's exactly what you're doing. Your personal intuition is the guiding factor when it comes to your abilities. These five things you do every day might actually mean you're psychic, and there are conscious efforts you can make to help harness your powers and get in touch with the universe.
Figuring out and understanding your psychic abilities is not cut and dry – there are a ton of different variables and things you can learn in the process. Although your logical mind might be feeling a bit hesitant about listening to the musings of the universe, understanding these potential signs will help you lean into your gut instinct and trust your intuition when it comes to your senses.
1. You think of someone right before they text you.
Thinking of someone right before they text you is actually a form of precognition – the ability to see or perceive events right before they happen through extra sensory perception or clairvoyance. Valerie Mesa, clairvoyant astrologer and writer for Elite Daily explains, “At first I had trouble really noticing and differentiating it from every other thought, but with time, I realized it was part of my clairvoyance. If I simply have a thought about someone and keep going about my business, they will either call or text me. It never fails.”
2. You always look at the clock at the same time.
Spirits try to communicate with the living through signs. Repeating numbers is one of those signs, especially the numbers 1,111 or 111.
Numerology has a divine meaning for each number, though, so if you find yourself looking at the clock at the same time of day for no reason or seeing the same number everywhere, look up what the meaning is.
Getting these messages could be a sign of channeling, the ability to connect with spirits or guides who have passed on. The best way to strengthen this ability is when you see something that you think might be a sign, ask the spirit you think is sending it what it could mean.
3. You get "bad vibes" from people and get chills.
This is a sign of clairsentience, or the ability to feel the energy of someone else. It's one of the most common psychic gifts, and out of all the psychic gifts, it is considered to be the most down-to-earth. People who are clairsentient often talk about "having a feeling" about someone or something, either good or bad. As Dr. Perrakis, founder and chief executive officer of Sage Goddess, previously told Elite Daily, this results in “a clear feeling or hunch. Physically, sometimes, it comes as cold chills or something like that.” If you think you're clairsentient, trust your gut. It's the apex of your own psychic power.
You may also get messages through your physical body. For example, you may walk into someone's home and feel a heavy, sad energy in it only to find out that the people who lived there before went through a tragic accident.
4. You see random images in your head.
One psychic skill that falls in this category is called psychometry, or token-object reading, and it’s one of the easiest psychic skills to practice. Though it may only come through sometimes, the more you pay attention to it, the more often it can happen. Say you're ordering your morning coffee from Starbucks (since psychic senses are heightened when we are our most relaxed) and the moment you're passed your coffee, you get an image of a little girl throwing a temper tantrum. As you're walking away, you hear the barista who made your coffee complain about the temper tantrum her daughter threw that morning when she left for work.
Another form of psychic skill comes into play without holding an object. Dr. Perrakis explained, “There is clairvoyance, which means clearly seeing images or pictures of things. See if [spirits] communicate with you through images ... you might see some images that relate to people in your life. Over time, you start to connect the dots.”
5. You dream about someone and find out they wanted to talk.
Dreaming about someone you haven't thought of in a long time and waking up to find that they reached out to you is a form of telepathy, the ability to hear or transmit messages with the mind.
The beginning stages of telepathy mainly occur during dreams because that is when your mind is the most relaxed and open to receiving these messages. However, the more you open yourself up to this gift, the better you'll get at it.
You may also find you naturally have this ability with the people you're closest to, knowing when they are in trouble or going through a hard time.
All psychic gifts can be harnessed and strengthened, like any other skill. People tend to believe because of what we've seen in movies that being psychic is something you're born with. In truth, every practicing psychic will tell you that they developed their gift through dedication and practice, and that you can, too.
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