These 8 Apps Are Exactly What You Need To Conquer Stress And Anxiety
Are you stressed out?
The right question would be: Who isn't? Stress has become a regular part of a person's life.
You're stressed about the way you eat. You're stressed because you couldn't take yoga class yesterday. Your friends don't understand you. Your mom always has to criticize your choices. School, jobs, relationships… is there any aspect of life you're not anxious about?
Students in particular have many expectations to meet, so I talked to Henry Clifford, a team leader at EssayOnTime. He said,
Students are more stressed than ever. On an average, my clients get 4 important projects to complete in a single month. The educational system doesn't leave space for exercise and relaxation, so the stress accumulates. The students I work with are always worried about deadlines, quality, relevance, and everything else related to their projects. Worrying has become a full-time job for them.
So how do we manage that?
18.1 percent of adults in the US suffer from anxiety. 22.8 percent of those cases are severe. And that's only accounting for anxiety disorder. As for stress, everyone is going through it, on a daily basis.
Stress isn't really a bad thing. It's the way your body reacts to stimuli from the outside. When you see a suspicious man on the street, stress tells you to cross to the other side. When a dog attacks you, stress tells you to react.
Since we're constantly under stress, we can confuse our mind and it then produces a severe reaction.
Dealing with stress is a serious issue that demands a methodical approach. But what do I mean by that?
It means doing something to fight it. I know, I know, you're thinking, “There's no time for that!”
That's why we'll make it easy for you. These eight apps will help you manage stress, and you won't have to spend much time doing it.
1. Pacifica
With this app, you get psychologist-designed guidance whenever you feel like you need it. It helps you calm your mind and nerves through relaxation, deep breathing and meditation techniques.
It also lets you track your mood throughout the day, so you'll become aware of the way it's affected by your own thoughts and feelings or stimulations from the outside.
You can use it for free, as an app for Android and iOS.
2. Moodnotes
Have you heard of the term retrospective writing? You're putting your emotions and thoughts into words, but you replace them with a narrative. Suddenly, you view your problems from a reader's point of view, and the burden is not that heavy from such a perspective.
Moodnotes lets you track your mood, write about your feelings and become more self-aware through such observation. You can get the app for $2.99 for iOS devices.
3. Lantern
Before you become part of Lantern, the program will give you a test to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Then, it will give you personalized self-development coaching sessions on a daily basis.
The point is to reach your strongest self by improving the aspects of your personality that could use improvement.
Sure, it's just an app, but it's a serious app, designed by researchers from Penn State, Stanford and Washington University. Try it! As soon as you join the program, you can start using the free app for iOS.
4. HelloMind
A problem most of us have is we don't believe we can calm down. We've accepted stress as a constant factor in our lives. Luckily, this app will prove it's possible to relax.
It lets you choose from different personality aspects, such as negative thoughts, fear or lack of self-confidence. Then, you'll get a suggestion for a hypnotherapy session.
Jacob Strachotta, the brains behind this app, has been working with this result-driven method for over 20 years.
The app is available for Android and iOS devices.
5. How Are You
“Fine” is not the right response. This is a serious question you shouldn't take lightly. You should be answering it with complete honesty, every single day.
This app will help you look deeper inside, so you'll reveal the true causes of stress and anxiety. When you truly know their sources, you'll be able to face them better.
The information on this website says the app helped users improve their mood by 18 percent on average. You can get it for Android devices.
6. Headspace
“I don't have any time,” is a lousy excuse for not treating yourself well. If you have 10 minutes to apply makeup in the morning, you'll have 10 minutes for this app, too. All you need is some privacy.
Headspace will give you guided daily meditation that lasts no longer than 10 minutes.
Emma Watson loves this app -- is that a good enough recommendation for you? You can get it for free on Android and iOS devices.
7. Happify
This app is built upon the principle of neuroplasticity – your brain can learn new tricks, no matter how old it is. What tricks? With this app, you'll teach your brain how to think positively and develop a firewall against stress and anxiety.
You'll have fun with the games and activities from this app, but you'll be doing something great for yourself at the same time. It's free for Android and iOS devices.
8. Calm
Too busy to attend an actual meditation course? No problem -- you can have similar effects with Calm. With the basic plan, you'll get guided techniques for appreciating the now, building focus, working with your thoughts and appreciating the non-doing.
The app is free for Android and iOS devices.
Sometimes the stress gets so severe it causes anxiety and panic attacks. Everyone keeps telling you: “Relax, will you?”
If only it was as easy as just listening to someone say that. But while it's not easy, it's not impossible either. You just need to make the effort, and these apps will help you get to where you need to be.