5 Ways To Ease Your Anxious Mind With Witchcraft And Spells
Things are getting a little witchy out in these streets, people.
During this trying time of political turmoil, people are looking for guidance, leadership and healing from magical forces we cannot see or hear.
In my (correct) opinion, this is because the leadership we have is only fanning the flames of fear, division and hatred.
It's time to accept that the world is embracing its metaphysical side, and maybe it's time to embrace your own.
If you're struggling with the state of the world or your own life is an overly intense, toxic wave pool, just follow these witchcraft techniques, and I guarantee your anxiety will be eased:
1. Connect with nature.
Witches cast their spells when they're outdoors, connecting to the earth and the heavens at once.
Carve out a day for yourself when you can revel in your solitude, and go somewhere you can take your shoes off and feel the earth under your feet without stepping on a used condom.
Take deep breaths, leave your phone at home, bring a pencil and paper and write down your thoughts.
This will help you get back in touch with yourself and connect to what you truly want and really need.
2. Cleanse your space.
The energy in your home can have a massive impact on how you feel, including the colors, the arrangement, the smells and the sounds.
Start by using a sage stick to clear out any negative energy in your home.
Once you start burning it, you'll understand why they say it scares away evil: it smells like an old man's asshole.
Hit the four corners of your apartment with that sage, as well as any doorways and windows.
Clean the dust off the floors and adjust the lighting to make you feel calm and peaceful.
Light a few aromatherapy candles to ease your worried mind.
My favorite ones are from Paddywax. Try the Salted Grapefruit one; it's delectable and uplifting.
3. Create a ritual.
Whether you love meditating, yoga, prayer or vision-boarding, create some kind of ritual that will empower and inspire you to live your life with intention.
This is good for two reasons: It allows you to get specific about what you want, and it gives you time to get excited about it.
When you truly visualize your goals in a specific way, you get excited about them, and that energy snowballs from there.
Following your highest excitement in life allows you to attract opportunities that excite you. It's a positive cycle.
4. Ingest some herbs.
Witches love herbs. Herbal remedies and holistic treatment modalities are used for life enhancement and healing.
Now, you may not be ready to jump into casting a spell just yet, but using normal people herbal remedies like tea can be used to help ease your mind.
Another way to use the healing power of herbs is through gardening, which can calm you down and make you feel like a wise woman sowing the seeds of her truth. (Whatever that means.)
5. Act with intention.
There are as many spiritual practices as there are witches, and spirituality is fluid.
Take whatever works for you and leave the rest, but spend some time out of your life exploring whatever captures you.
Discover the tools that work for you by experimenting with crystals, tarot, astrology, prayer, meditation, dancing or whatever activities make you smile.
Your happiness depends more upon internal factors than external ones, so essentially, you can create more of it in your life by going inward.
Confront your shadow self and the beliefs you have that no longer serve you.
And as you get in touch with what makes you happy, you'll find it easier to let go of those negative ideas forever.