This Is How Much Exercise It Takes To Burn Off Your Favorite Summer Drinks
There's nothing better than cooling off with a frosty, blended beverage on a scorching summer day. But did you know some of your favorite sips could totally be sabotaging your beach bod?
I mean, sure, we all know milkshakes and Slurpees probably aren't the best thing to suck down when you're watching your waistline. However, you might be surprised to know there are a lot of sugary drinks out there that are deceptively bad for you.
Yep, from frozen frappes and iced lattes to fruity smoothies and protein shakes, there are a lot of seemingly innocent sips that look relatively healthy at a first glance.
But if you take a look at what's actually inside some of those deceiving drinks, you'll find a lot of your beloved beverages contain a mind-blowing amount of calories, not to mention, a shit ton of sugar.
In fact, some of these ice-cold cups can contain as much sugar as half a dozen doughnuts.
I don't know about you, but if I'm going to blow all of my calories in one sitting, I'd much rather stuff my face with a box of Krispy Kreme treats than waste my daily allotment on a shitty green smoothie.
If you're wondering how your favorite drinks stack up against each other, you're in luck. We recently set out to uncover the amount of calories hidden in these seasonal sips, and to put this number into perspective for you, we also figured out how much exercise it takes to burn off each of these bad boys.
Unfortunately, it looks like we're going to be spending a lot of time in the gym this summer.
Take a look at the pictures below to see how many minutes of exercise it takes to undo some of your favorite summer sips. (Note: Drink calories are based on a size large, and calories burned are based on a 140-pound person.)