
Here's What It Takes To Burn Off Your Favorite Holiday Meals (Video)
by Leigh Weingus
'Tis the season to eat, drink and be merry!
If you're doing all of those things currently, good for you. Christmas cookies are the best. Latkes are delicious. And that duck you just ate? Unreal.
Although we firmly believe calories shouldn't count in the month of December -- or ever, really -- they do. And come January 1, we don't want you to have to set an even bigger weight loss goal than you already had in mind.
In an effort to help you indulge this holiday season without packing on the pounds, we've decided to provide you with some valuable information about how many calories you're actually consuming during an afternoon of holiday cheer... and how much exercise it takes to burn it off.
Good luck to all and to all a good night.