7 Restorative Yoga Poses To Cure Your Saturday Morning Hangover
Raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by the aftermath of one too many tequila shots.
There have honestly been times where I've literally composed a list of people I was going to call and say my goodbyes to because my hangover was just that awful.
Of all the strange remedies I've tried (pickle juice anyone?), yoga actually seems to be the most effective hangover cure out there.
A little "om" every now and then has been shown to help the body when it comes to releasing toxins, improving circulation, and even helping digestion.
Yoga can also relieve tension from head to toe, leaving every part of your body feeling deliciously rejuvenated and oxygenated.
So, the next time you instinctively reach for the ibuprofen bottle and bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich (#BlessUp), try rolling out your mat and flowing through these seven restorative poses instead.
1. Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Everyone knows a night of drinking often leads to terrible sleep.
This is actually because REM sleep (the absolute deepest stage of your shut-eye) can be negatively affected by your boozy outings.
Plus, it's common to wake up the morning after a night of drinking with a stiff neck -- or soreness all over, TBH.
Savasana essentially just means meditation while laying down, so start your practice with this pose to begin to heal your hangover and fatigue.
2. Child's Pose (Balasana)
You can continue to keep your eyes closed as you slowly adjust your body into this pose (you're welcome).
Child's pose gently compresses your abdomen to stimulate peristalsis (a function of digestion) and increases circulation.
This will help your body remove metabolic waste products (adios, amaretto) and the pose will calm your aching mind.
3. Cat/Cow Pose
I know, you thought I would let you lie down forever and drown in your Svedka-infused sorrows. But it's time to get that body moving.
Don't worry, though. Cat/cow keeps movement to a minimum while activating your cardiovascular system, which helps your body restore itself and rid you of all that boozy sh*t you drank.
Take deep, expansive breaths with each movement, and feel your spine and abdomen stretching as you move those toxins right on out.
4. Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend (Upavistha Konasana)
Forward-bending poses are great for helping you stretch out the muscles in your back, and believe me, it feels borderline orgasmic when you have a nasty, hangover-induced headache.
Since your body is typically in a heated state after going heavy on the hard liquor, this pose will balance you out by cooling you down.
Ahhh, that's the stuff.
5. Seated Half Spinal Twist Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
Seated spinal twist is key when it comes to digestion, and your internal organs are definitely not very pleased with all the spicy margs you just needed to drink last night.
This pose is guaranteed to cleanse your internal organs and eliminate waste.
It can also help stimulate the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and spleen, getting everything back into tip-top shape.
As you inhale, lengthen your spine and allow yourself to grow taller. As you exhale, try to twist a bit deeper.
6. Boat Pose (Navasana)
I know, I know. The last thing you want to think about when you're hungover AF is anything core-related.
But boat pose is a total lifesaver, I promise.
Navasana stimulates the intestines, kidneys, and thyroid, which helps to speed up your metabolism and improve the overall detoxification process.
This asana also improves coordination and balance, which is definitely good in this case, since you and I both know those things were not intact last night.
7. Standing Half Forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana)
Standing forward fold calms and quiets the mind and regulates your blood pressure, which is likely all over the place after your festive Friday night out on the town.
Keep a slight bend in your knees, especially if your hamstrings feel like they're a bit tight.
Then, release any tension in your head and neck, allowing your head to gently rock back and forth.
You know, as if you're shaking your head and saying, "No, I'm never drinking again."