Julianne Hough Is In Insane Shape And Eats Pizza, So There's Hope For You
Here's the truth: You're not going to wake up tomorrow and look like Julianne Hough.
Getting into amazing shape like her isn't impossible, though. In fact, you're probably more like her than you think. This fit superstar also eats pizza. It's actually one of her favorite foods.
Hough told Shape how she mostly sticks to whole unprocessed foods and snacks. "I don't want to put a paragraph of ingredients in my body," she says. On the reg, she'll eat lean protein and veggies. She'll occasionally throw in quinoa and rice for extra energy.
Pizza isn't out of the picture, though. Hough explains,
"Pizza is my favorite food. I eat it a lot! I want everyone to know that I'm not Miss Perfect. You can cheat every once in a while, and that's OK."
This is just another perfect example of how the 80/20 rule works. Eighty percent of the time you should eat healthy and clean foods. Then 20 percent of the time, you can eat whatever you want. You can read more about how this rule works here.
Like most of us, Hough started her fitness journey in her teens. She worked out for hours a day and barely ate enough to sustain herself, and that wasn't good. That's not how fitness is done and it's not a realistic lifestyle at all.
Hough tells Shape what being healthy really means to her.
"My definition of healthy is figuring out a lifestyle. A lot of people think it's about what you eat or how hard you work out. It's about your mind as much as it is about your body."
Speaking of a healthy lifestyle, you can see Hough has figured it out for herself. She also talks about what inspires her to keep going. You can probably guess it's not motivational quotes and pictures on Instagram. She says, "I think about my future self... What I want to feel like 10 years down the line."
All we see right now is the result of years of hard work. So no, you're not going to wake up tomorrow and look like a supermodel, but you can take steps to figuring out what living healthy looks like for you.
Citations: How Julianne Hough Stays Fit and Healthy (But Still Eats Pizza) (Shape)