Our Obsession With Kim Kardashian's Weight Reveals 3 Flaws In Our Society
I rarely watch the news. It's mostly filled with negativity.
And if you've been following the 2016 election cycle, you've probably seen or heard plenty of things that'll outrage your sensibilities.
I hear about pop culture idols even more rarely. But recently, I've been confronted with numerous mentions of Kim Kardashian, and they all stem from the same health trend.
As much as I try to avoid all news as much as possible, social media and Facebook still allow some of it to slip through the cracks.
I've been kind of amazed by what I've seen. These health trends in society are definitely more detrimental than they seem to be at first glance.
According to an article in Elle magazine, Kim Kardashian posted a picture on social media about how she reduced her waist size with waist training. The pop icon suggests that it has helped her gain the hourglass physique she often touts.
The internet nearly broke while trying to catch up with her.
Women across the US bought corsets to reduce their waist size. Those who couldn't afford to buy the corsets started using homemade versions that promised to get rid of cellulite, drop a few inches and help detox.
Are these claims true or false? I don't know, and I don't really care.
What concerns me is that it points out three clear flaws of modern society.
1. Hero Worship
Hero worship is not new. Almost every historical era and culture grew up with a hero of some sort.
In 18th-century America, thousands of people flocked to see the tales of Davy Crockett. He was a native of Tennessee, and one of the most well-known figures from the state.
While many of his exploits were embellished (as those of most heroes are), his final act was a testament to his courage. He died at the Alamo, fighting thousands of Mexican soldiers against nearly impossible odds.
Compare that to Kim Kardashian, who seems to have gained popularity simply for being in a sex tape with a famous musician.
It is human nature to find people to look up to and emulate. Usually, the heroes chosen by society are indicative of that society.
When being a rugged, tough frontiersman was important to Americans, Davy Crockett was the source of inspiration.
Today, we've turned into a society that deems Kim Kardashian's antics worth following.
2. Magic Pills
Humans have always sought shortcuts and magic pills. Not only is that a standard human trait, but it is also actually a positive one. It's made homo sapiens successful.
We look for shortcuts that allow us to make more food or gather more resources. If a shortcut doesn't exist, we invent one.
The problem is when we take a shortcut and expect it to solve all our problems. Much of the weight loss industry is founded on the principle that a single magic pill can make all the difference.
The idea that a corset or homemade waist wrap is going to remove cellulite, help us lose fat and detox our body is wishful thinking.
The reality is that with anything in life, success or achieving goals comes down to repeated small tasks, being done over and over.
Waist-training corsets may or may not help. But most people who follow this trend expect it to be their ticket to both a smaller waist and more attractive dates.
3. Not Feeling Good Enough
I am as guilty of this as the next person is.
But feeling like we're not good enough is endemic. Both men and women have trouble feeling like they're worthy, and it creates many of the social ills in society.
In fact, there are entire sections online dedicated to reminding people to accept themselves for who they are.
Most people have at least some work to do in this department. The Kim Kardashian corset craze is simply another reminder of how rampant this self-doubt is in our society.