A Definitive Guide To Healthy Snacking To Get That Hot Summer Bod
When it comes to snacking for health and energy, shit's not easy.
While you may have every intention of subsisting on celery in the hours between lunch and dinner, that's hardly realistic. Celery may be crunchy and hydrating, but is it delicious and filling? Absolutely not.
Here's another thing about celery: It always leaves you wanting more... and more likely to reach for that 4 pm chocolate chip cookie that's roughly the size of your face.
And, as you probably know from experience, enormous chocolate chip cookies lead to sugar crashes and weight gain.
So, I'm here to help. I came up with a week's worth of snacks to help you stay healthy and keep you full. On top of that, every snack listed is absolutely delicious.
First, take a look at your snack grocery list for the week:
Here's what you'll munch on Monday:
Here's what's going up on Tuesday:
As for Wednesday's snacking:
Here's what you'll opt for on Thursday:
And here's what you can look forward to eating on Friday:
Happy snacking and happy summer!