
This Yoga Routine Will Finally Motivate You To Get Off The Couch

by Emily Arata
Alexis Novak

By the end of August, the sun sets earlier each night, and basically all the good parts of life (rooftop bars, morning runs in the heat) start winding down.

With the end of summer comes an acknowledgment of the winter ahead — that soon, there won't be a chance for you to lay in the park. It'll just be you, your hoodie and Netflix riding out the cold together.

What's a lady to do when she feels a case of the curl-up-and-dies approaching? Find a way to get motivated.

You're in good hands. I got in touch with Alexis Novak, a celebrity yoga instructor best known for her tropical fitness retreats in places like Costa Rica and Bali.

She's designed a unique yoga routine just for you to get blood rushing around that body, and your sluggish brain cells working again.

Grab a mat, pull on your stretchy pants and get down to business.

Start in tabletop position.

Alexis Novak

Move between cat and cow pose, activating the muscles of your core.

Alexis Novak
Alexis Novak

Push your feet back to the top of a pushup or high plank position. Hold for 10 breaths.

Alexis Novak

Push back into downward-facing dog.

Alexis Novak

Alternate lifting your legs like you're walking really dramatically. You can also try running or hopping.

Alexis Novak
Alexis Novak

Pick up the pace and use your hands for support, like you're doing inverted mountain climbers. Keep up high intensity for 30 seconds.

Raise your right leg into a three-legged dog kick, then step through for a low lunge.

Alexis Novak

Alexis Novak

Move to a one-legged tadasana (opposite leg lifts to bent knee).

Alexis Novak

Yogi kick! Then, step back to a lunge position. Continue for 15 reps.

Alexis Novak

Press back to downward-facing dog. Time for a second round of downward-facing dog walks, runs or hops. Get the heart rate up!

Alexis Novak

On your left side, repeat the crescent lunge and kicks.

Alexis Novak

Finish with tree pose on right and left side.

Arms high, head up! Stand tall with stability, feeling motivated to take on your day.

Take that, cold weather blahs!!