8 Amusing Twitter Accounts Every Gen-Y Woman Should Follow
Twitter is great for connecting us with current events, celebrities and our friends. Still, we don’t have to justify every activity with intellectual support — sometimes we just want to scroll through our timelines to procrastinate in an entertaining way.
Follow these accounts if you want to have more fun while you pretend to do work or pay attention in class.
Instagram in Words: @Wordstigram
This account is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of tweeting Instagram photos, it puts every photo into words. Each tweet represents an Instagram cliché in which many are guilty of indulging. Think “Women Crush Wednesday” of Jennifer Lawrence, or a selfie with a quote that doesn’t have any association with the photo, etc. You probably know the deal all too well.
Your Away Message: @YourAwayMessage
Remember middle school? Eek, me too. The acne, useless abbreviations and cliquey drama were all documented in our AIM away messages. Channel your inner tween by reading classic away messages that are guarenteed to make you LOL.
Sh*t Girls Say: @shitgirlssay
There are topics of conversation that nearly all women abuse. Whether or not you choose to admit it, every girl loves to talk about hating the drama, starting a diet tomorrow and complaining about being devastatingly single. If you think this account doesn’t apply to you, you’re wrong and you will likely laugh at every tweet.
NYC Blonde: @NYC_Blonde
This anonymous blogger tweets everything you wish you could say on social media without jeopardizing your future employment options. She is not afraid to be sarcastic, superficial, or self-indulgent. The NYC Blonde lives a life of privilege that’s both fascinating and entertaining.
Awkward Girl: @AwkGrlPrblms
There are two great things about following this account: if you relate to any of the tweets, you know you’re not alone and if you don’t relate, at least you’ll get a good laugh without feeling awkward… until you see the next tweet and realize we’re all actually really awkward at this point in our lives.
Little Motivator: @littlemotivator
If you need something to brighten your day, but you’re tired of the recycled clichés that litter the Internet, this is the perfect account to follow. It’s short, sweet and sincere.
Sorry I’m Not Sorry: @SororityProblem
Whether you’re a full-fledged srat star or a proud GDI, most college girls can relate to the self-deprecating words and pop culture commentary this account offers. Take comfort in knowing that you don’t have to be sorry about scheduling your life around reality television or obsessing about Miley’s hair (or lack thereof).
Chrissy Teigen: @ChrissyTeigen
Yes, Chrissy Teigen falls under the celebrity category since she is a model. Nevertheless, there are countless other “Sports Illustrated” swimsuit models who you probably can’t name. (Other than the Victoria’s Secret Angels.) It’s arguable that Chrissy Teigen is famous because of Twitter, which is reason alone for her you to follow her.
Chrissy’s tweets are simultaneously outrageous and relatable. From an undying loyalty to Taco Bell to candid responses to her many stalkers, she offers must-read entertainment.
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