Amber Rose Is Bringing Back Your Fave Childhood Trend In A Really Badass Way
Amber Rose lives loudly. Her look is dynamic, her bald head unforgettable. Everything the stripper-turned-social media mogul touches seems to turn viral.
Most recently, Rose is putting her prowess to work in the beauty industry as the face of Flirt Cosmetics.
Instead of recycling the same old products, the brand is making waves with entirely new inventions.
Case in point: Flirt's new CHiCers (chic + sticker), designed as beauty marks for any part of your face or body.
Although dots, stars and hearts are all part of the sticker package, it also includes stick-on eyeliner shapes for days when your hand is feeling shaky.
Oh, the nostalgia! Remember the days of stick-on, metallic earrings — the same ones that immediately got caught in your hair? You'd keep reusing them until the backs were so grimy, they had literally zero sticking power left.
Well, consider CHiCers the adult version of that, but with less glitter and more actual wearability.
Interestingly, this isn't the only release from Flirt that's gotten the internet talking. Months ago, the brand launched its "Flashes" false eyelash applicator. Although it looks nearly the same as a BIC Wite-Out dispenser, the tool dispenses strips of three lashes at a time to make glamour extra easy.
As a person who's never once been able to stick on fake eyelashes without chaos, I very much appreciate the extra help. Surely, Rose doesn't have these peasant problems.
Regardless of skill level, Flirt's price point is undeniably budget-friendly ($18 for CHiCers; $28 for Flashes), and Rose makes its creations look edgier than they do on paper. She wears her CHiCers on the jawbone, like a particularly metal kind of highlight.
All of this leads me to one very important conclusion: Makeup should be something you enjoy. Looking presentable in public is one thing, but don't let your routine get stale.
Take a hint from Rose (and your childhood self). Have fun with it.