'Modern Family' Star Ariel Winter Calls Out Slut Shaming Instagram Trolls
According to social media, there's no right way for a woman to wear clothes.
Two days ago, “Modern Family” actress Ariel Winter, 17, Instagrammed a family photo of herself and two of her nieces in swimwear and life jackets.
Although she meant the picture to be a snapshot of her happy day, CNN reports the responses were anything but charming.
As we know, Internet trolls love nothing more than a woman in a swimsuit. Soon enough, the sexual comments and negativity rolled in.
Winter wasn’t about to stand for it.
The star followed up with a second Instagram post. This one featured a woman's legs marked with derogatory words for each skirt length.
She captioned the photo:
Who knew that an innocent photo with my nieces would turn into this? The height of a girl's skirt or whatever she is wearing for that matter, does not imply what she is asking for. It sickens me to think at 17 years old, a photo of myself with my nieces is suggesting that I'm "asking for it". I typically never give power to the mean things people bravely say behind their computer screens on the Internet, but this is for the girls who are constantly bullied whether it be online or at school.. You are not asking for anything because of what you are wearing- you are expressing yourself and don't you ever think you deserve the negativity as the consequence to what you are wearing- YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Celebrate you and don't let anyone's comments allow you to think less of yourself. Us girls have to stick together!!!!!!
More than 40 thousand likes later, it’s clear Winter’s rebuttal struck a nerve. Despite increasing emphasis on SlutWalks and ending rape culture, women are still labelled either "asking for it" or "prude." There's no winning.
Winter previously caught the media’s eye in August after going public with her decision to undergo breast reduction surgery.
She hoped other young women feeling overwhelmed or frustrated would benefit from her honesty.
Joining voices with teenage stars like Zendaya and Amandla Stenberg, Winter seems to be part of a new Hollywood generation. This one’s not going to stand for sexist or racist commentary.