8 Easy DIY Halloween Costumes For Couples That Won't Make You Barf
Oh Halloween, how we lurvvve you. That's right. Our feelings towards this festive holiday go way beyond love.
And speaking of love, how about some more couples costume ideas?! Each of the costumes in this post is part-DIY, part find-the-perfect-purple-pants-for-the-job, and all of them are totally doable, even if you're on the last-minute train.
For this explosion of color, cleverness and creativity, we brought in a key guest star to complete this silly couple: my husband, David Temple. Let's hear it for David!
1. Lyft and Uber
That's right. We turned these two rival transportation companies into a couple. Perhaps, a power (struggle) couple?
What you need: - hot pink wig - hot pink mustache - hot pink dress - black suit - black sunglasses
To personify Lyft, we went with hot pink everything and an outrageously cheery attitude. And yes, that hot pink phone is a must. On the Uber side of the scene, it's all business all the time. This dude definitely drives a black car, will provide you with an endless supply of water and probably has a wireless charging mat for your phone built into the back seat.
2. Hawaiian Punch
Next up, a bit of punnery. Hawaiian… punch! Get it? We think that little cartoon Hawaiian punch dude would totally approve of this costume.
What you need: - grass skirt - coconut bikini top - tropical print swimsuit - boxing gloves - hoodie - athletic shorts
For this costume, one of you dresses up as a hula girl and the other as a boxer. We found this amazing tropical swimsuit and topped it with a coconut bikini top, but you could also go just coconuts if you're feeling bold… and live in a warm enough place. The key with the boxer is really just those gloves. To that, add a pair of shorts (we used swim trunks) and a hoodie or robe, and you're good to go.
3. Tight Pants
No idea why this is hilarious? It's definitely a deep cut, straight from Jimmy Fallon's archive on The Tonight Show. Featuring Fallon alongside folks like Will Ferrell and Jennifer Lopez, this series is extremely silly and makes little to no sense — and that's why we like it.
What you need: - 2 brunette bob wigs with bangs - 2 pairs of TIGHT white pants - white shoes - 2 striped turtleneck sweaters
First of all, prepare your body for some tight white pants. You may want to work out a few days before getting into this costume, and might want to actually exercise IN your tight white pants for maximum danceability on the 31st. After you're good on that front, find striped turtleneck sweaters (preferably cropped) and top 'em off with a pair of matching wigs. So weird.
4. Cookies and Milk
Inspired by Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon's costume from a few years back, this is fun, sweet (literally) and easy to make.
What you need: - nude slip and tights (or body suit) - cardboard cookies - white t-shirt and pants - white foam core - markers - sticky-backed felt letters - Hollywood Tape
First, create that milk box. We simply drew a classic milk carton design on a piece of white foam core. Then, we added "Got Cookies?" in felt letters. For little Miss Cookie, I suited up in nude leggings and a nude slip. Make a whole pile of cookies by cutting out cardboard circles and dotting them with a black sharpie. Then, use Hollywood Tape (the kind of tape that keeps those low cut dresses in the right place!) to stick those cookies right on. Adorable.
5. Party Animals
Turn the clock back to an imaginary New Year's Eve party where folks like Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant were in attendance. That's the look we were going for with this simple pun of a costume.
What you need: - black tie attire - champagne - vintage-style animal masks
As you can see, this couldn't be easier. Dress yourself head to toe in your finest apparel. Then, place these vintage-style animal masks on. That's it! Cheers!
6. Hall and Oates

Wait, what? Yep. We went there. If, like some of the youngsters in our office, you have no idea who Hall and Oates are, let us educate you: "You Make My Dreams Come True," "Your Kiss Is On My List," "She's a Rich Girl" and "Maneater" are all by this opposites-attract duo.
What you need: - purple blazer or button down - green button down - white pants - white sneakers - printed white t-shirt - lilac pants - white boots - black mustache
I think it's obvious that the key here is making sure your husband already kind of looks like Daryl Hall. To become Oates, create a faux bob or low updo to shorten your hair without going too far. Add a mustache and purple pants and you're just about there.
7. Waldo and Wenda
You can never go wrong with a classic like this. It's one of those costumes that is always a hit, and gets you mad nostalgia points.
What you need: - 2 red and white striped shirts - 2 red and white winter hats - 2 pairs of round glasses - jeans
Confession: We actually found two Waldo costumes at the thrift shop when we set out looking for striped shirts, hats and what-not. So, we kind of lucked out! But it would still be really easy to DIY this with similar pieces.
8. Creepy Denim-Clad Horse People
We'll end on an extremely creepy note because you know we like to creep it real like that. Horse heads are a thing, and we happen to have two. So, if you really have no idea what to be this Halloween, Amazon Prime a pair of these and get ready to weird out your friends all night long.
What you need: - 1 white horse head - 1 brown horse head - denim outfits, from head to toe if possible
We recycled our John and Yoko outfits from a couple years back but did a little mix and match on the denim front, sort of à la Britney and Justin and now Katy Perry and Riff Raff. Then, it's just a matter of dealing with your own boozy breath inside that rubbery horse head. Eeek.
Other outfits that would complete this look: chaps, cowboy and cowgirl style, Prancercise-inspired attire, rockers or something that turns you into rocking horses. Okay, I think that's all we got.