10 Simple, DIY Emoji Halloween Costumes That Require Minimal Effort
Dearest Emoji, we heart you. We heart you so much that, well, we actually want to BE you.
And guess what? There's this really cool holiday right around the corner that lets people everywhere be anyone they want to be. So, this Halloween, everyone in our office is turning emoji… one "person bowing deeply" at a time.
Now let's get to it!
1. Dancing Women With Bunny Ears
This pair of heartbreakers looks like they're ready to tear it up on the dance floor. To create this look yourself, go for black shorts and t-shirts, pantyhose and use black card stock or poster board to make those kooky headbands. Of course, if you're up for combo-ing with a "Single Ladies" costume, go for black leotards and call it a day.
2. Person Bowing Deeply
I personally tend to call this "Blue Boy With Triangle Halo" and I know some just go for "Headband Boy" -- any way you slice it, be sure to pose for full effect. We created the headband out of blue foam sheets.
3. The Girl In The Pink Shirt Doing Everything
This girl is the best! One question: What is your read on the girl with her hand next to her head? Some people say waitress, some people say "raising the roof" and some people say "like I give a…" But the official definition is "Information Desk Person!" Hmmm...
4. Two Women Holding Hands
Grab a best friend for a match made in color-coordinated heaven. Musts for this look: Two solid-colored dresses (ideally red and purple) and belts to match. For our belts, we used ribbon and fastened them in the back with Flash Tape.
5. Runner
This is our favorite exercising emoji. We're not sure if this dude is running away or just going for a jog. This is definitely the easiest costume on the list -- all you need is a red t-shirt and jeans!
6. Princess
We may have had an unfair advantage with this one thanks to Brit+Co Editorial Director Lisa Raphael's bright blue eyes and sunny blonde locks. To become your own emoji princess, grab a yellow wig, crown, red lipstick and whatever princess outfit you like.
7. Man And Woman Holding Hands
The only thing "basic" about this costume is the section of H&M where you'll find the required garments.
8. Dancer
Salsa! Channel your inner salsa dancer to bring this one to life. To do it yourself, a serious red dress is crucial, and you have to be ready to bust a move. If you're not feeling the salsa inspiration, may we suggest Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey's first official dance in the seminole '80s classic Dirty Dancing?
9. Two Men Holding Hands
This is another couples costume that is super easy to pull off -- a couple blue and orange t-shirts, jeans and brown pants and you're good to go.
10. Ghost
We obvs saved the best for last with this one. That giant tongue is… insane.