3 Natural Supplements You Should Take If You Want To Have Better Sex
You enjoy sex. I enjoy sex. Most of Generation-Y does, too. Whether you are a man or a woman, there are plenty of ways to have better sex, and I'm not speaking of positions, role-play or toys (though these are all fun).
I'm speaking about learning how to last longer in bed, how men can have multiple orgasms and how women can have a G-spot orgasm.
Personally, I'm a fan of all of these things, but I realize working on them takes time, patience and commitment. I'm also acutely aware that Generation-Y loves instant gratification, which is why you'll love these three simple supplements to make your sex life more enjoyable.
I'm faced with people daily looking for a “magic pill.” Operating a nootropics (brain health supplements) information website has given me firsthand experience of this phenomenon in action.
Instead of disparaging the desire for a quick fix, I'll give you some options to rock your world.
1. Maca Powder
Gender: Male and female Benefit: Libido (sex drive), erection strength Dosage: 2 to 3 grams
Maca is a root vegetable native to South American highlands in Peru and Ecuador. Used by traditional societies as an aphrodisiac, modern research is finally catching up. A study from 2002 showed that 12 weeks of maca powder in healthy adults increased sex drive and libido.
I've been including maca powder in my daily smoothies for months (it tastes atrocious), and it has made a noticeable difference in my sex drive. From personal experience, I have a shorter refractory period and need less time between sessions.
2. Kava
Gender: Women Benefit: Libido (sex drive) Dosage: 250 mg collective kavalactones (active ingredient in kava)
For women, one of the hardest things to do during sex is relax. Anxiety is one of the main reasons some women can't have an orgasm, and it generally detracts from the presence of a good sexual experience.
Kava is a root native to the Pacific islands, such as Fiji, and it has a long history as a anti-anxiety and calming drink. You can find kava bars popping up in many cities (at least in Austin, Texas), but there may be secondary sexual benefits. According to a study evaluating via the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX), reduction in anxiety can increase a woman's sex drive and libido.
3. Yohimbine
Gender: Men Benefit: Erection strength Dosage: 14 to 18 mg per day (if you have no heart conditions)
A hard, blood-filled erection is exciting for both partners, but particularly for the man. Instead of seeking Viagra, men can use yohimbine as a natural alternative. This is an extract derived from the bark of a tree in Africa, but can assist in improving blood flow and the strength of an erection.
This may not occur with every man, especially those who suffer complete erectile dysfunction. However, if you want to be a little bit harder, this may be a good option to try.
Given that I started having sex much later than most, I'm biased and excited about sex in a way many people are not. You don't need to have a lot of sex in order to see the benefits of these natural extracts and herbs. If you relish quality over quantity, these are some of the easiest tools you can use to achieve that.
Are these three options going to change your sex life completely? No, but if you can take nootropics or supplements to improve your sex life even just a little bit, why not take a stab at it? You have little to lose and a whole lot of fun to gain.