9 Quotes About Paris That Will Make You Want To Live In The City Of Light
When I first stepped foot in Paris as a wide-eyed 21-year-old, I was a bit underwhelmed. I had just gotten off a dirty, crowded 12-hour train ride from Rome (sounded like a good idea at the time) and emerged into a cold, dreary town that kind of smelled like piss.
The next day, however, after washing the train stench away, I strolled down Champs-Elysees and took in the beauty and history of the Louvre. Suddenly, I changed my tune.
Paris is, in fact, a great city to put roots down in. Little girls are dressed to the nines, fresh flowers are available on every street corner and hip 20-somethings sit outside of quaint cafes smoking in one another's faces without any complaints from passerby. This may sound gross, but it adds to the Parisian charm.
There aren't many places I'd just stuff a few items in a backpack and book a one-way ticket to, but Paris is definitely one of them. My Paris-specific wanderlust has only heightened by the amount of literature written about the city of light.
For centuries, writers have been able to capture exactly what makes Paris the ideal city to live.
Feeling uninspired? Move to Paris like Hemingway.
Hemingway loved Paris so much he described the city as a "movable feast." He moved in the '20s, and his love affair with Paris and the friends he made in the city helped him develop as an artist.
Still contemplating where to study abroad? The culture and rich history of Paris is the obvious choice.
Even the busy tourists attractions of Paris are filled with rich history and lessons to be learned. Learn about French gothic architecture by visiting the Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris. Pay homage to the fallen soldiers of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars at the Arc de Triomphe.
Obviously, spending your days with Mona Lisa at the Louvre isn't a bad way to get over your homesickness.
If shopping is your vice, the stores in this town will make you look fabulous.
Just don't trip in Dior like Carrie in "Sex and the City."
London is hectic. Just hop on the Eurostar, get yourself macarons and take a deep breath.
Think of the daily Laduree treat box and cute shoes selfies you'd be racking up.
Once you've been in this city for a few months, you'll want to live and die in your pearls like a real Parisian woman.
Or, just visit Coco Chanel's home and pass out on her one-of-a-kind couch, made famous because of how comfortable and stylish it was at the time.
Suffering from a horrible breakup? Let the pretty pastel houses and quaint shops fill you with positivity.
The hot dudes with French accents don't hurt, either.
Maybe it's cliche, but how amazing would it be to pass the Eiffel Tower every day?
It's basically a photography lover's dream.
Don't worry about your limited budget, Parisian locals clearly find beauty in the breakdown.
I don't condone starving yourself, but I wouldn't mind quitting my job and bussing tables in a cafe just to feel connected to this romantic city.
If I still haven't convinced you, perhaps Audrey Hepburn can.
No one can disagree with that classy broad.
Before visiting Paris, I spent a good amount of time pinning quotes like these on my wanderlust Pinterest board. If you feel as inspired by these sayings as I was, grab a striped t-shirt and pearls. There's a baguette waiting for you in Paris.