The 5-Minute Way To Fix Your Gross Feet So You Can Wear Sandals This Summer
After spending the past couple of weeks on several forms of public transportation, I've quickly begun to realize that some (OK, most) people have nasty feet. It might only be week three of sandal season, but I'm already well-acquainted with warts, bunions and varying degrees of dry, peeling foot skin. Sexy, right?
Taking care of your feet is just as important as caring for the rest of your body. Sure, your feet might not be as in other people's faces as, say, your face or your back, but a pair of less-than-sexy feet won't exactly win you any points with the date you're trying to impress, either.
Look, I get it. Feet are complicated. They always seem to be covered in blisters, have hair sprouting in weird places (toe hair FTW) and generally look awkward. Hey, foot fetishists: Please explain why feet are so hot because I really just don't get it.
If you have yet to slip into a pair of sandals this summer (or if you want to go a step beyond your bi-weekly pedi), here's what you need to know about foot care.
Use apple cider vinegar on your blisters.
As a sneaker kind of girl, I spend every year putting off wearing sandals for as long as I can. Naturally, when I do decide to slip into a pair of strappy torture devices, they mangle my feet.
I could stick a Band-Aid on it, but bandage-laden feet aren't exactly a cute look. Plus, they peel off and have to be removed every time they get wet or dirty.
Instead, what I've been doing is soaking a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and dabbing it onto the blister. ACV has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which will help the fluid-filled sucker peace out as quickly as it came.
Additionally, if you want to prevent blisters from coming on in the first place, try swiping deodorant on the area prior to any irritation.
Use chamomile on your corns.
Corns and calluses often get mixed up, so let this be your guide. Corns are created on a bony area on a toe or between toes, and they consist of a build-up of hard skin. A callus happens on the bottom of the foot. Either way, both are gross and corn (the food kind) shouldn't have to share a name with something so nasty.
Chamomile will help soften the tough skin in the corn. You can either apply a warm tea bag to the corn for a couple hours or let your feet soak in a chamomile tea for 15-20 minutes. If your feet get stained, just wash them with soap and water.
Calluses? There's a tool for that.
OK, so there are a million DIY recipes for callus removal. However, as someone with callus-prone feet, the only thing that has ever worked for me is an electric callus remover.
I first discovered this thing in my mom's office. She's a podiatrist, so I'm going to assume she knows what she's talking about.
Care Me Electric Foot Callus Remover, $19, Amazon
Anyway, this thing is legit. It spins 50 times a minute and easily removes tough skin. I like to use it just after the shower when my skin feels softest (and it's waterproof, so I just keep it in the shower.)
Better yet, it's under $20, which is less of an investment than your weekly Chipotle burrito habit.
Basically, feet are gross. Feet will always be gross. But if you plan on wearing sandals at all this summer, do the world (and yourself) a favor and get your tootsies in order.
Or just wear boots all summer. Whichever.