
This Is What You Really Mean When You Send Emoji To Your Friends

by Emily Arata

An emoji is never just an emoji.

Ever since texting became the new talking, emoji have turned into the only way you can add connotation to what you're saying.

Asking your mom for money? Throw in a stack of dollar bills with wings so she'll hopefully stick a hundred-dollar bill in the mail.

Then, there's another class of emoji entirely. The kind used in a completely different way in which they're intended.

Case in point: If your girlfriend sends you the “girl with arms crossed” emoji, you know you've f*cked up in some major way.

Learn to read these key emoji like Rosetta Stone and you'll be ready to party.

Dancer: I'm turning up, and you can't stop me.

Robert Rodriguez

Extraterrestrial Alien: I'm too high for this party.

Robert Rodriguez

Waving Hand Sign: I just finished reading "50 Shades."

Robert Rodriguez

Information Desk Person: This a hair flip.

Robert Rodriguez

Squared Cool: This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

Robert Rodriguez

See No Evil Monkey: What did I do last night?

Robert Rodriguez

Hear No Evil Monkey: Please stop telling me about your boyfriend.

Robert Rodriguez

Women With Bunny Ears: We're heading to a gay bar.

Robert Rodriguez

Nail Polish: Let me serve you some information, here.

Robert Rodriguez

Smirking Face: Consider this your booty call.

Robert Rodriguez