Woman Responds In Awesome Way After Being Shamed For Tinder Profile
You can try to slut shame Olivia Melville, but you'll fail.
When deciding what to write in the bio of her Tinder profile, the 23-year-old chose to use lyrics from Drake and Nicki Minaj's song “Only.” The bio read,
Type of girl that will suck you dry and eat some lunch with you.
When Tinder user Chris Hall came across Melville's profile while swiping for true love, oh wait, sorry, a casual hookup (it's Tinder, people), he was apparently none too pleased to see Melville was looking for the same.
In what appears to be an effort to drive every woman off the dating app until (much like Ashley Madison) it becomes a place where straight dudes go to wonder where all the ladies went, Hall took a screenshot of Melville's profile and posted it to Facebook with the shaming caption,
Stay classy ladies… I'm surprised she'd still be hungry for lunch.
A mutual friend of Hall and Melville reportedly spotted the post and alerted the shamed lady, who took back the power and apparently reposted it to her own Facebook page, writing,
S/O to boys posting your Tinder profile on Facebook, I wasn't aware I had to put my CV in my Tinder bio, apparently Drake lyrics aren't okay?
Friends on both sides came to their friends' defenses, and things eventually escalated.
Comments reached a whole new level of hey-man-who-hurt-you when Facebook user Zane Alchin went veritably buck wild with rape threats.
Friends of Melville claimed to be saving shots of the conversations for police, but Alchin appeared unfazed and kept on tearing through the thread like a 90s kid on a Nickelodeon Super Toy Run.
At one point, Alchin expertly dovetailed feminism and rape to solidify himself as the official president of Take It Too Far Island.
According to New Matilda, two of the women Alchin attacked with the comments did bring his statements to the attention of police at Newtown Local Area Command.
Police allegedly said, according to a new petition launched by the women, they were “not sure how to prosecute” the threats and, “these cases are hard.”
Unsatisfied with that answer, because it is not actually an answer at all, the women created a campaign called "Sexual Violence Won't Be Silenced" on Change.org and Facebook.
The description for the petition reads,
We're calling for better training and education for law enforcement professionals so that they can address harassment online. We're asking the NSW and Australian Governments to start having an honest conversation about addressing online sexual harassment.
The petition is reportedly gaining attention from other advocacy groups, like House of Riot, and Senator Larissa Waters of Queensland expressed interest in the petition.
Hall since deleted his original post and apparently privately apologized to Melville.
Citations: How this young woman's Tinder profile led to her being threatened with rape and 'slut-shamed' by strangers on social media - all because she quoted a song by rapper Drake (Daily Mail)