10 Women Entrepreneurs Share Their Best Advice For Having A Successful Career
Being an ambitious lady with an eye for entrepreneurship has never easier than it is today. In 2016, a plethora of smart women in charge prove running a business is not only possible, but probable.
Any career counselor will tell you that, as a woman, the most important thing you can do is connect with female mentors eager to help a fellow uterus-owner up the ladder to professional success. Not all of us live in trendy, metropolitan areas, however, so it can be tough to locate the mentor of your dreams.
Luckily, the internet is a veritable font of inspirational tidbits from female leaders. I'm not just talking about Beyoncé, either — women from Ariana Huffington to Leandra Medine offer free advice in print.
Zip up your best tasteful pantsuit, imagine you're ready to conquer a board meeting and take a look at quotes from some of the brightest ladies in the start-up world. If you ever needed convincing that your entrepreneurial dreams actually can come true, you'll certainly find it here.
Now, pay attention. These women have lessons to teach about gunning for success.