The Difference Between How Often Porn Shows Men And Women Orgasming Is Depressing
Hello, friends. It's me, back to continue to scream into the void about how life isn't fair and about how some of the things people claim don't exist do, in fact, exist.
This time, we're talking about the orgasm gap. You know, the fact that men consistently reach orgasm more often than women do during sex.
Now, I know that porn certainly isn't the most accurate depiction of reality (OK, it's literally the most unrealistic thing ever), but a recent study found that the orgasm gap could be real EVEN IN PORN.
That's how you know it's bad, you guys. Literal fantasies aren't equal in terms of gender.
Published in The Journal of Sex Research, the study examined Pornhub's 50 most-watched videos of all time. (Talk about a fun study, amirite?)
For each video, researchers studied literally everything you'd ever want to know about the male and female orgasms shown (or not shown) in the video — how often either sex orgasmed, what kind of stimulation was used to reach orgasm, any physical signs showing orgasm, and so on.
What the researchers found literally made me stop writing this article for 20 seconds to go scream out a window.
Basically, the results showed that while 78 percent of males were depicted orgasming in the videos, only a tiny 18.3 percent of women were shown doing the same.
Researchers apparently found that 13 percent of the women in the videos may have had "ambiguous" orgasms, which means it was up in the air as to whether or not they actually finished, according to Refinery29.
I can't even begin to describe how many unrealistic (and frankly unfair) ideas about orgasms this group of videos perpetuates, but I'll try my hardest because this is important.
First, showing men orgasming more often than women could further push the already incorrect and messed up idea that male orgasms take priority over female orgasms.
Second, the study also found that 45 percent and 35 percent of the women who were shown orgasming in the videos did so through regular P-in-V sex or through anal, respectively. We know this is unrealistic because past research has shown that few women can climax through vaginal intercourse alone and that clitoral stimulation is usually necessary.
Sure, it's important to take into account that 50 videos is not very many, and of course, it's true that not every single porn video is devoid of a woman orgasming.
However, these findings do lend support to an already existing problem women know all too well: Our sexual satisfaction is usually treated as secondary.
So when you get home tonight, and you're cozy in your bed, about to get a little ~freaky~ with yourself and your fav porn videos, see for yourself who's visibly coming.