I Tried Madelaine Petsch's Morning Routine & Felt Cheryl Blossom-Level Fancy
You've been there before: You're scrolling through your Instagram feed when you see your favorite celeb post about their favorite new product — a face serum, vitamins that will make your skin brighter, or a specialty food service. You can't help but want to be like the stars, but are the products worth it? In Elite Daily's new series, I Tried, we put it all to the test. We're trying those products as well as celebrities' health and wellness tips, recipes, and life hacks. We'll do the leg work and tell you what living like your fave star is really like.
You likely know Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom on Riverdale, but there's a lot more to the actor than just her fabulous CW character. To prove this, Petsch became a YouTuber — seriously, her bio on the platform reads, "I made a channel just so I could show you guys who I am when I'm not being Cheryl." Her videos mostly include snippets of her daily life, including baking endeavors, workouts, and glam sessions, but the video that really piqued my interest was the one featuring her 15-step morning routine. So, knowing my own wakeup procedures could use some sprucing up, I tried Madelaine Petsch's morning routine with the hopes of channeling some of her Blossom badass-ness.
Though I was excited to act more like Petsch, I approached this experiment with mixed feelings. There were some parts of her routine that I was excited to follow (hello, getting back into bed) and others that made me nervous (see the ice bucket face bath), but all in all, the whole process was pretty easy to replicate, didn't end up taking that long, and really got my day off to a invigorating start.
Take a look at Petsch's full morning routine below:
Here's what my morning as Madelaine looked like:
01Wake Up Early, Hit Snooze Twice
Petsch filmed her morning routine video on a press day, so she had to get up at 6 a.m. Well, since I start work at 6 a.m. every day, I one-upped her and had the *joy* of setting my alarm for 5 a.m. Petsch admits to hitting snooze at least twice in the morning, so I went ahead and set a few alarms for myself so I could do the same.
02Reach For Phone, Order Cold Brew & Celery Juice
Right after waking up, Petsch uses her phone to order a 16-ounce Starbucks cold brew coffee and a 16-ounce celery juice from Pressed Juicery to start her day.
I typically don't love spending money on this type of thing, because after taxes, small cart fees, delivery, and tipping, it really adds up (a lesson I learned the hard way after relying on Postmates way too much in college). That said, I wanted to get the *authentic* Petsch experience, so I decided to have a #TreatYourself kind of day and placed a Starbucks order. Unfortunately, Pressed Juicery opens at 7 a.m., so I had to purchase my green juice the night before. Cost aside, it was kind of nice knowing someone else was working on my morning beverages so I wouldn't have to make my own.
Petsch also avoids using social media when she first wakes up, so I resisted my immediate urge to check Instagram right after placing my order. This moment of extreme self-control was tough, but it did get my morning moving quicker.
03Light A Candle
Petsch travels with a candle because it "provides a serene environment," and she always lights it before leaving bed in the morning. Following suit, I broke out a new lavender candle, and it really did make my morning feel a bit more calm.
04Write In The 5-Minute Journal
Serendipitously, I own the same journal Petsch uses in her morning routine, so I was able to copy this step exactly. There's something about the five minutes of reflection that put me in a good headspace and made me feel on top of my life.
BTW, there's also a five minute journal app that's basically the same thing as the book, in case you'd like to recreate this step digitally.
05Put Hair In A Scrunchie
Petsch then puts her slippers on, walks to the bathroom, and puts her hair up before washing her face. I'm totally the girl who has a slim hair tie on her wrist at all times, even if it's a "nice" event, so I was just going to use that.
But instead, I pulled my one and only scrunchie out from the back of my bathroom drawer to stay true to Petsch's routine. She says she does it to avoid hair creasing, and she might have a good point about that; my hair looked perfectly straight after all was said and done.
06Wash Face & Neck For 30 Seconds
Petsch's video was made in partnership with Bioré, and the skincare brand got its moment to shine when she began her next step. I opted to stick with my trusty Neutrogena cleanser to wash up instead, but still followed Petsch's timing and technique. I then made sure to pat (not wipe) my face dry, a detail she was adamant about.
The cleansing step was nothing out of the ordinary for me, but I usually apply six serums and a moisturizer after washing my face, so I felt a little off without them. (Full disclosure: I ended up applying those after I completed Petsch's whole process — I just couldn't help myself.)
07Put On A Blackhead Nose Strip
I then opened up my box of blackhead nose strips and popped one on. I've never had much of a problem with blackheads, so I was curious to see what would come of it when it was time to take it off.
08Back In Bed, Hit The Socials
I was so into this step. Upon getting back under the covers, I scrolled through Instagram, sent a few memes to my friends, replied to a text from my sister, then checked my emails. Meanwhile, I had a Shane Dawson video on in the background. Petsch says she likes to watch YouTube in the morning when she has time; I made the time.
09Take Off Nose Strip, Inspect The Results
After 10 minutes in bed, the fateful moment to see the results of my first nose strip had arrived. Per Petsch's instructions, I pulled it off from the outside toward the center to get optimal results. It was satisfying, but also kind of gross, so I'll spare you a photo on this step. For someone who didn't think she had problems with blackheads, I certainly was surprised to see the plentiful results.
10Ice Bucket Face Bath
Next came the step I was most hesitant about: the facial ice bath. It's Petsch's "little invigorating way to wake up for the day," she explains in her video before doing a full-on ice-bucket challenge for her face.
Petsch gets her ice bucket from her hotel's concierge, but since I am not #fancy like her, I dragged myself into the kitchen and emptied out two trays of ice cubes into a bowl. At this point, my roommate saw what I was doing and was pretty confused. "It's for work," I explained, but that probably didn't clear much up for her.
I brought the cubes back to my bathroom and plunged my face into the bowl for Petsch's recommended 20 seconds. I don't know what I was expecting, but yep, it was cold.
Petsch she says she does this to get rid of water retention in her face before a press day, and I think I did see some results. So, although I didn't love it, it did its job in terms of jolting me awake and making me look less puffy.
11Face Roll
Petsch seems pretty interested in combatting water retention, since her next step is face-rolling. Luckily, my roommate has a face roller that she was kind enough to loan me for the day. It felt pretty nice; the stone felt pleasantly cool on my face and the process made me feel elegant, although I'm not sure if I did it long enough to see results.
12Exfoliate The Lips
Next I brought out my homemade coconut and honey lip exfoliator I made specially for this routine. I've never exfoliated my lips before, but I was pleased to see how pink and plump they looked after I was done. This is a step I'll definitely use in the future.
13Chug The Celery Juice
Let's just say, I'm not the biggest fan of any kind of green juice. As much as I care about my health, it's just not something I can bring myself to consume on a regular basis. But, here I again thank Petsch for putting out a realistic morning routine and not sugar-coating how celery juice tastes. As she downs her juice she explains, "This is, like, the least pleasant part of my morning, I'm obviously very upset and trying not to throw up. But I do see a lot of good results from it, so I've been doing it every morning for the last month."
Girl, I feel you. Since I only did this one day, I can't attest to the potential benefits of celery juice, but it did make me feel good taking time to hydrate at the start of my day.
14Brush Teeth
Next, I went to brush my "little teefles," as Petsch calls them. She uses a Quip toothbrush that she likes because it vibrates every 30 seconds to tell her when to move to a different section of her mouth. I do not have a Quip, so I pulled out my timer and brushed the old-fashioned way. At this point, I was pretty awake for the day since I had been up for about 30 minutes.
15Head To Glam
Petsch's next step is to get her hair and makeup done. I work from a library, so hardly anybody sees me, but I enjoyed putting on a bit of makeup anyway to make me feel like a real person.
16Final Thoughts
All in all, Petsch's morning routine is pretty simple to recreate, especially the super-relatable steps like hitting snooze a few times and checking Instagram in bed. Those parts were probably my favorite.
However, some other aspects of her routine might be a little too luxurious for me to do on the reg. (I mean, I can make my own coffee in the morning instead of ordering it in every day.)
I was proud of my efforts to get as close to Petsch's routine as possible, and modifications were pretty easy to make. I even might start taking a few things away from her routine, such as setting my alarm for 15 minutes earlier to focus on a bit more morning self-care. I'll probably leave out the face ice bath though, which my roommate will probably be glad to hear, since she'll actually have some ice for her iced coffee next time.
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